Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Post your trips on your website

Google Maps have enabled websites and blogs to embed maps for quite a while and we've noticed users starting to embed their FirePin trips. We've
just updated FirePin so it's a lot cleaner to put maps of your trips into your blog or website.

Go to FirePin and click on a previously shared trip (or create a new share). You will now see (as below) both a link to the shared trip as well as some HTML code you can copy and paste into your blog.

This is a trip I recorded this morning and have copy/pasted into this blog


The House of Husar said...

I am reviewing FirePin and have run across a few things I wanted to mention. Frist great app. I am enjoying it so far.

One issue you should probably fix right away is closing your iframe tag in the text to embed the map. You currently do not have this. It does cause problems on some webpages that I have testing the embed code on.

Another issue I am finding with the iframe is that you have hardcoded the div dimentions inside the iframe. This is no good. People want to display the map at a size that meeting their blog/website needs. Putting the div dimentions it in the iframe is too restrictive. I would suggest removing it and allow your users to control this on your own.

I hope you consider these changes in future releases of the website. So far in my testing for the review the app has performed as expected.

I would appreciate a comment back on your thoughts on my suggestions above. Keep up the great work!



firepin team said...


thanks for pointing that out...and thanks for testing it out.

No doubt, we will fix that and post on the blog when its done.
